Marfèl Clothing

Bold.Glam.InYourFace.Sexy. This Los Angeles based clothing brand wanted to present to their clients a lifestyle that showcased what the nightlife is all about. With music in the fore front and lots of sexiness in their designs, this brands is ready to take over your local club.

For ItsEminent, we decided that a lifestyle enhanced look and feel to their website was a must. Many different models and mock ups were included on their media. This allowed us to measure what really influenced its visitors. It has been shown that people do not gravitate to simple ads. People love to feel part of something, and the psychographics for itseminent’s clientele pointed out to this same theory. After analyzing their data, we were right on track.

A-B Testing was a must. This allowed us to target better their clients; thus, yielding better ROI on their marketing.




Marfèl Clothing


January 1st, 2018


Web Design, Graphic Design, Marketing

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